
標題: what would you do for the preparation of your final exam? [打印本頁]

作者: 小山田萬太    時間: 17-5-2009 19:53
標題: what would you do for the preparation of your final exam?
I would do some exercise as much as i can .
remember some concept , equation
作者: yuetstarz    時間: 17-5-2009 20:40
I would do some exercise as much as i can .
remember some concept , equation
小山田萬太 發表於 17-5-2009 19:53

It should be if-,-

I study hard and do assignments for preparation before the exam.
作者: 小山田萬太    時間: 18-5-2009 18:06
2# yuetstarz
why should it be if?
作者: yuetstarz    時間: 30-5-2009 19:51
2# yuetstarz  
why should it be if?
小山田萬太 發表於 18-5-2009 18:06

"As much as" means that the same quanties
If you say I would as much as I can.
It will be confused.
You can say I would do more exercise if I can.
作者: 俊SIU    時間: 31-5-2009 00:07
Yeah  the post that above my reply is correct.This a small grammarticle mistake.Don,t be care about it.

I think that i should start now.If I don,t start,i feel i will get a simple result=.=.
revise revise...
作者: yuetstarz    時間: 31-5-2009 01:13
Yeah  the post that above my reply is correct.This a small grammarticle mistake.Don,t be care about it.

I think that i should start now.If I don,t start,i feel i will get a simple result=.=.
revise r ...
俊SIU 發表於 31-5-2009 00:07

ok.I'm terribly sorry about it
since my proof-reading skill is too poor
I would like to practise more.
I have been studying for the exam already.
作者: superyyh    時間: 31-5-2009 11:40
Before final exam,i will come English Plaza and chat with you ^_^ This is a way to improve my English.
作者: yuetstarz    時間: 31-5-2009 13:05
Before final exam,i will come English Plaza and chat with you ^_^ This is a way to improve my English.
superyyh 發表於 31-5-2009 11:40

Is there any improvement?
作者: 俊SIU    時間: 31-5-2009 19:00
I think=.= it is not a improvement....omg
作者: 疾風終極奧義    時間: 2-6-2009 18:24
study hard as like as tevez!
作者: 格劍大師    時間: 2-6-2009 18:35
本帖最後由 格劍大師 於 2-6-2009 20:42 編輯

guys...there is no problem with using "as much as i can"
"as much if i can" does not even make sense, it is grammatically wrong
have you ever heard of a person saying "i'll do as many exercises if i can" rather than " "i'll do as many exercises as i can"?
作者: 長老    時間: 5-6-2009 10:17
I think I'd prefer to visit this forum more frequently and watch television.

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